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DOM Event Handler

sapa sets the DOM Event in a unique way. sapa take full advantage of the fact that javascript's methods are strings.

class Test extends UIElement {
template() {
return '<div>Text</div>'

[CLICK()] (e) {

[CLICK()] is basically the same as CLICK('$el'). Sets $el's click event automatically.

The CLICK() method internally creates a string. The final result is shown below.

'click $el' (e) { 
// console.log(e);

Support DOM Event List

CLICK = "click"
DOUBLECLICK = "dblclick"
MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown"
MOUSEUP = "mouseup"
MOUSEMOVE = "mousemove"
MOUSEOVER = "mouseover"
MOUSEOUT = "mouseout"
MOUSEENTER = "mouseenter"
MOUSELEAVE = "mouseleave"
TOUCHSTART = "touchstart"
TOUCHMOVE = "touchmove"
TOUCHEND = "touchend"
KEYDOWN = "keydown"
KEYUP = "keyup"
KEYPRESS = "keypress"
DRAG = "drag"
DRAGSTART = "dragstart"
DROP = "drop"
DRAGOVER = "dragover"
DRAGENTER = "dragenter"
DRAGLEAVE = "dragleave"
DRAGEXIT = "dragexit"
DRAGOUT = "dragout"
DRAGEND = "dragend"
CONTEXTMENU = "contextmenu"
CHANGE = "change"
INPUT = "input"
FOCUS = "focus"
FOCUSIN = "focusin"
FOCUSOUT = "focusout"
BLUR = "blur"
PASTE = "paste"
RESIZE = "resize"
SCROLL = "scroll"
SUBMIT = "submit"
POINTERSTART = "mousedown", "touchstart"
POINTERMOVE = "mousemove", "touchmove"
POINTEREND = "mouseup", "touchend"
CHANGEINPUT = "change", "input"
WHEEL = "wheel", "mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll"

You can define any additional events you need. Common DOM events are defined.

You can set several DOM events at the same time.

POINTERSTART is a defined name. Two events are actually specified, namely `mousedown` and `touchstart`.

DOM events can have some special elements other than $ el.


When the DOM is created, the DOM with the ref attribute is managed as a variable that can be used in advance.

template () {
return `<div><span ref='$text'></span></div>`
[CLICK('$text')] (e) { }

You can apply CLICK events to the $text DOM object.

window, document

Global objects such as window and document can also apply events to their methods.

[RESIZE('window')] (e) { }
[POINTERSTART('document')] (e) { }


Applying events to individual DOMs may be bad for performance. In that case, use delegate to handle it.

template () {
return `
<div class='list' ref='$list'>
<div class='item'>Item</div>

[CLICK('$list .item')] (e) {
// this method will run after .item element is clicked

This is also possible the css selector.

[CLICK('$list .item:not(.selected)')] (e) {
// do event

You can run the method only when you click on the .item that is not applied to the .selected class.

e.$dt points to the element where the actual event occurred.

DOM events can have several PIPE functions.

PIPE is a concept that combines predefined functions in an event.


The event will only work when Alt key is pressed.

[CLICK() + ALT] (e) {
// when alt key is pressed

In addition to ALT, you can use default key combinations such as CTRL, SHIFT, and META.

PIPE can be connected with + character.

[CLICK() + ALT + CTRL] (e) {
// when alt and control key are pressed


when checkTarget's result is true, this method is run

checkTarget(e) {
if ( != 3) return false;
return true;
[CLICK() + IF('checkTarget')] (e) {}

check LeftMouseButton or RightMouseButton

[CLICK() + LEFT_BUTTON] (e) {}



Some PIPEs can also use actual methods in other ways. A typical example is DEBOUNCE.

[RESIZE('window') + DEBOUNCE(100)] (e) {}


TROTTLE is also available.

[SCROLL('document') + TROTTLE(100)] (e) {}