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Messaging System

sapa has a simple event system for sending messages between objects.

This also uses method string, just like specifying a DOM event.


SUBSCRIBE allows you to receive emit messages from elsewhere.

Provides a callback to send and receive messages even if they are not connected.

class A extends UIElement {
[SUBSCRIBE('setLocale')] (locale) {

class B extends UIElement {
template () {
return `<button type="button">Click</button>`

[CLICK()] () {
this.emit('setLocale', 'ko')

components : {
A, B
template : `
<A />
<B />


emit is a method that delivers a message to an object other than itself.

[CLICK()] () {
this.emit('setLocale', 'ko')

why does not it send to its element?

The reason for not sending to itself is that there is a possibility that the event can run infinitely. Once I send the message, I can not come back to me.

multiple SUBSCRIBE

SUBSCRIBE can define several at the same time.

[SUBSCRIBE('a', 'b', 'c')] () {

// this.emit('a')
// this.emit('b')
// this.emit('c')


You can also slow down the execution time of a message.

[SUBSCRIBE('a') + DEBOUNCE(100)] () {



You can also slow down the execution time of a message.

[SUBSCRIBE('a') + THROTTLE(100)] () {



class A extends UIElement {

checkShow(locale) {
return true; // runnable if return value is true

[SUBSCRIBE('setLocale') + IF("checkShow")] (locale) {


The trigger method allows you to execute an event defined on the object itself. Messages sent by trigger are not propagated elsewhere.

this.trigger('setLocale', 'en')  // setLocale message is run only on self instance 

If you want to send a message only to the parent object, you can do the following:

this.parent.trigger('setLocale', 'en'); 


It can only be called with the trigger function. (How to trigger my own event)

class A extends UIElement {
[SUBSCRIBE_SELF('setLocale')] (locale) {